Final Document of our investigation

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 
Promotion of sports through Nature and sustainable tourism in rural areas.

Once the survey on existing sports facilities in nature in the municipalities of Mugardos, Fene, and Monfero and their characteristics was conducted, many similarities were found among the different municipalities surveyed. In the following lines, we present details of this study.

The three municipalities have a specific section for outdoor activities within their annual sports program. In the case of Mugardos, they also support the societies that carry out these activities within their municipal area.

When asked about the existence of specific sports facilities or outdoor spaces for physical activities in public nature in the municipalities, all have this type of facility, but with the following specificities: For example, in Monfero, the following sports and physical activities are practiced in these public facilities: swimming, aquatic activities, hiking, team sports, and physical conditioning. In Mugardos, the existing facilities are as follows: sports courts, sports pavilion, climbing wall, tennis court, football field, pump track, gym pool, and a sailing club. The sports and activities that can be practiced there include tennis, indoor soccer, soccer, handball, basketball, swimming, weightlifting, strength, endurance, flexibility, skating, gym maintenance, Zumba, sports dance, athletics, yoga, Tai Chi, rhythmic gymnastics, archery, climbing, and rowing. Fene lists the activities that can be practiced in those spaces, such as swimming, aquatic activities, hiking, team sports, and physical conditioning.

The other question we asked was to find out if there is private offer within the municipal area of spaces that can be used for practicing sports or physical activity outdoors, in addition to the public offer of sports facilities. The responses were as follows:


Inquiring about the maintenance tasks that these sports facilities and outdoor spaces have, as well as what type of safety review they undergo, we obtained the response that said maintenance tasks are carried out in the municipalities of Mugardos and Monfero, while Fene did not respond.

Regarding the degree of accessibility (total or partial) of these municipal sports facilities and outdoor spaces for use by older people or those with motor disabilities, Mugardos responded that it is partial, while Monfero stated that it was good. Fene did not provide a response.


In all three municipalities, there were local associations dedicated to some type of sport or physical activity in the natural environment. In the case of Mugardos, the societies are the Bestarruza Mountain and Climbing Association and the local rowing club. In Monfero, there is a club that develops activities in nature, such as climbing and kayaking. Fene did not define which societies carry out these activities.

All three municipalities responded affirmatively to the question of whether there was a relationship between different municipal areas such as tourism, the environment, and sports when planning events in the natural environment.

All three municipalities responded affirmatively to the question of whether they held events in the natural environment in collaboration with other neighboring municipalities. In the case of Mugardos, this occurs within sports activities in school age, such as nautical activities. In Monfero, this includes hiking and orientation.



    • All these municipalities participating in this study show enormous potential in order to value their natural spaces for the practice of physical activity and sports by their neighbors.
    • The municipalities have sufficient technical capacity to be able to program and carry out activities or events in nature, with the aim of increasing the practice of sports and sports activities in rural areas, with proposals that include positive environmental actions in order to improve the citizen awareness.
    • All municipalities show interest in carrying out inclusive Nature activities that allow access to activities/events and facilities for any person, regardless of their physical or motor capacity. They will also ensure the improvement of full accessibility both in sports facilities and in the design of the activities or events to be carried out.


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